Tuesday, October 7, 2014

You're alright, i suppose.

I hope that when you look in the mirror you see the fire in your eyes. The same fire that makes my chest burn every time you laugh.
I wish that you could see the way your lips turn up when you smile, and hear the way your voice gradually gets higher when you're getting excited.
You spend so much of your time making sure that the rest of the world is okay, sometimes I think you forget to check your own pulse, and make sure that you are still beating.
You are always beating though, that's the beauty of you.
Maybe not to the same rhythm as most everyone else, but you still manage to keep up with the melody.
You've saved my life. More than once actually.
Sometimes it's your voice that I hear when I'm lost in the thickest part of the forest.
You never tell me which way to go, but you remind me that it doesn't matter which way.
Whichever way I feel like going, will lead to the right way eventually.
At least I think that's what your words are saying.
Other times I just see you, there's never any sound, but when you've got a soul that speaks as loud as yours, sound is just an afterthought.
Those moments of salvation mean more to me than this entire galaxy, and you do know how much I love the galaxy.

And you'll tell me that these words are great, and that I'm your favorite writer, but I still won't think of these words as mine, and my name will never be associated with Edgar Allen Poe's.

None of that matters though, because we get to lay in the grass at the elementary school where you had your first crush, and you met your best friends. We get to talk about that blonde girl that stole your heart once, but I think she might have given it back now. As long as there are more nights where you drive too fast around corners, and I pretend that I don't care about anything but the stars, then we will be okay. and I will be okay. and you will always, be more than okay.

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